Riverview PTO
12601 SE Riveridge Dr
Vancouver, WA 98683
Lets help get our teachers off to a great start - check out their amazon wish lists!!
Lets help get our teachers off to a great start - check out their amazon wish lists!!
Amazon WishLists are a great way to support our teachers in exactly the way they need.
Each teacher has added things they need for their class and their kids for this year.
RPTO meetings are held on the second Thursday of every month at 6:00pm
RPTO meetings are held on the second Thursday of every month at 6:00pm
YOu're invited! meet us in the conference room
YOu're invited! meet us in the conference room
- Payback books
- Move-A-Thon fun run
- Bookfairs
- Family Fun Night
- Movie Night
- Classroom learning
- After school clubs and sports
- Safety patrol
- Teacher and Staff Appreciation
- 5th grade graduation
- Field trips
- Student incentives
- Lucky Buck prizes
- Pizza parties
Calendar of events
Calendar of events
Social Media
Social Media